zondag 4 december 2022

Simonis op de Boulevard

 It's a very beautiful, sunny day at the Scheveningen Boulevard, surprisingly mild for the fourth of November. It's Friday and Billie Stormzy's big sister, Rihanna Gaga, has a day off from school, a study day they call it, meaning a day for the teachers to organise workshops and meetings. Since Friday is also the day that Billie Stormzy doesn't go to daycare, so I was going to spend the day with him anyway, it means no arrangements needed to be made. We've been having a lazy morning together: I made small banana pancakes for the children, which I often do when I have the time. Then, a friend of my daughter came over to play. It's a girl from her class that she's recently been playing more with than usual, after the friend fell out with the girl she usually plays with. True to her character, Rihanna Gaga didn't mind being second choice, as long as she has someone to play with. Since then, they've become regular playmates, especially because the girl lives within walking distance from us, across a street that Rihanna Gaga has been allowed to cross for about half a year now. It's interesting to see how, as she grows up, her world is getting larger, or at least the world in which she can move independently: from the courtyard at which we and six neighbours live, to the street, to our block, and now spanning three blocks. It's, of course, different for Billie Stormzy, although he is allowed to circle the block with his big sister.   

I told the girls we could go to the boulevard. Although it was still early - around 10:30 - I was hoping some places would be open, but when we arrived, none of the ones we haven't visited yet were in business, despite the websites of several announcing they would be. After checking a few places, I noticed Simonis op de Boulevard was, actually, opening up. "Let's go there," I said. "Please let's not," Rihanna Gaga sighed. She was remembering a trip to the boulevard from a few weeks ago with her grandparents, my mother's parents, who were visiting us for Billie Stormzy's birthday. Back then, we had to wait for an insanely long time before our order arrived. However, back then there were also dozens of people waiting together with us, and the inexperienced staff seemed to be loosing track of the orders. Right now, it looks as if we'd be the only customers, so what could possibly go wrong? I decide try our luck. 

One of several places owned by the Simonis family around Scheveningen, Simonis op de Boulevard offers all kinds of fish-based fast food: fish sandwiches, fish salads, and fish menus, with fried fish and French fries. Rihanna Gaga orders a herring sandwich, I pick a menu with fried octopus rings, French fries and some salad. The girl picks a Kibbeling menu with fried fish, French fries and salad. Since the menus are quite large, I point at an example that is exhibited on the counter. "That's what you will get," I tell her, "are you sure your appetite is big enough for that?" She replies that it absolutely is.The kids pick their drinks too: apple juice for Billie Stormzy, ice tea for Rihanna Gaga's friend, and plain water for Rihanna Gaga. We sit down at one of the tables in the small niche next to the counter of Simonis op de Boulevard. Billie Stormzy climbs on my lap as I sit on a chair, and the girls settle on the couch on the other side of the table, chatting about school. They drink their drinks, and Rihanna Gaga is already munching on her fish sandwich. The menus will have to be prepared. Rihanna Gaga is talking about our holidays in Tunisia, then for some reason starts to discuss other North African countries. I suddenly notice, much to my bemusement, that she is mixing up Morocco with Hungary. I'm bemused, because it is an incredibly unlikely mix-up, yet one that I myself also often make. Did she somehow pick this up from me, or is mixing up these two countries somehow not so random after all?

Simonis op de Boulevard is a no frills affair. Plastic furniture, some sea-related decoration, and a radio station playing hit music. Most seating places are on the terrace in front of it, but despite the good weather, it's a bit windy and the niche is more insulated. There are a few more customers, and the woman behind the counter shouts the number of the order whenever it is ready. Billie Stormzy has noted with interest that we have order number 13, and when this number is shouted, he jumps up enthusiastically, crying "Thirteen! Thirteen! Yes!" 

The calamari rings and French fries make for quite a heavy breakfast. Billie Stormzy is helping with the French fries, but is not interesting in anything else. Rihanna Gaga's friend has lost interest in her menu after just a few bits of fish and French fries. Luckily, I don't have to raise other people's kids, but I do tell her I advise her to not order something she's not going to eat next time, as this is a bit of a waste. Between us, we still manage to eat the larger part of the two menus, although I certainly won't need lunch anymore after this breakfast. The food is definitely fast food - greasy, filling - but also well-prepared and tasty.

At a certain moment, Billie Stormzy, who is circling the table to pick French fries from my plate and dip them in mayonaise, gets terribly worked up. As usual when he is angry about something, he starts with shaking his hips and arms rythmically, as if he is dancing vigorously, then he moans, increasingly louder, until he's shouting. I tell him to calm down and tell me what's wrong. It's difficult to understand at first, but it turns out he disagrees with the fact that I have shifted the plate in such a way that the French fries are now easier for him to reach. When I shift the plate back to how it first was positioned - so that he has to reach over the entire plate to reach the French fries, his sleeve coming dangerously close to the mayonaise - all is well again. 

The girls have gone off to play tag, running around in front of Simonis op de Boulevard, much to the chagrin of Billie Stormzy. "They should not be acting crazy," he complains. "Why not?" I ask. "Just like that," he tells me, "They should not be acting crazy." A few minutes later, he has left me to join the girls in their game. When I've finished what I can eat from the two plates, I get up myself as well. Time to leave.

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