donderdag 23 juni 2022

Strandpaviljoen de Kwartel

It's Ascension Day, which in the Netherlands is a holiday - one of many sprinkled throughout the months of April, May and June that makes the spring semester in this country a bit of a Swiss Cheese. There's Easter, when Jesus was crucified, and then in the Netherlands we also have a second day of Easter; then there's Pentecost, or Whit Sunday, when the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus's disciples, followed by probably the weirdest holiday ever, Second day of Pentecost. And then, today, it is Ascension Day, when Jesus ascended to heaven. It's always a Thursday, and the Friday after it is often a free day too, to create the third long weekend in a row. And for us, it's almost a complete holiday, because yesterday my daughter's school was closed too. 

Also closed yesterday was Billie Stormzy's pre-school that he now goes to every Wednesday morning, alongside his regular daycare. Pre-school is open for all kids from 2,5 and up. It's on the same grounds as school, and a way for children to get used to going to school. Given how difficult it was for our oldest kid to get started with school, we figured this would be a good idea for Billie Stormzy. The first few times, he wasn't too happy about us leaving him there, and he cried. Every week, however, it went better and now he is actually starting to enjoy it. 

It's a busy time. Last week, I was in the United States to visit a conference in Atlanta. Then in two weeks time, I will travel to Finland for another conference, and two weeks after that, I have to be in the UK, again for a conference. Normally, there aren't that many in a row, but two of these have been delayed for years because of the Corona pandemic. The nice thing about having to go to America, was that I could make a stop-over in New York, to visit my brother, who I hadn't seen in two years. That also gave me the chance to finally get to know his wife, who I only met for a few hours in 2016, so that was long overdue. We spent a pleasant weekend together, sightseeing in New York City and the surrounding countryside. I hadn't been there in 23 years - last time I was there, the Twin Towers were still standing!

So, in-between all that, it's nice to take the chance to relax a little with the kids on this Ascension Day. We cycle to Strandpaviljoen de Kwartel, which is quite a distance from where we live, but luckily we have a strong wind in our backs. It's sunny, so we settle on the terrace, next to a table with an older man and a younger couple, who judging by their clothes are quite upper class - a retired businessman, his son and his daughter in law, I would say, judging from appearances. The older man is in a very good mood, winking at my daughter and loudly summing up the breakfast options on the menu. At a certain moment, he is spinning around so actively that he falls with his chair on the floor, much to the amusement of my daughter. The younger couple seems to oscillate between amusement and embarassment at his antics, although they mostly give the impression to be very endeared by him.

Despite the sun, it is chilly and the wind doesn't help either. As usual, Billie Stormzy wants to go inside - he always wants this, even if it is very warm, but this time I have to agree with him, so we move inside. I tell the waiters that we've changed places, and that they should deliver the set breakfast, croissant with jam, and lemonade we've ordered to our new table. It's very busy at De Kwartel today, not surprisingly given that it is a holiday. This also means the food takes a while to arrive, so my daughter goes outside to play in the sand. Billie Stormzy and I sit at the table and look out throuh the window, at the crowded terraces and beyond that, the sand and the sea. Suddenly, he tells me the sea is "off". "Off?" I ask him. "Yes, off," he says. "Should we turn it on again?" I suggest. He nods, grinning. He's clearly making a joke, but I don't think it sounds as surreal to him as it does to me.

Food and drinks are brought, and my daughter joins us again. She eats the croissant with jam she ordered, while I start on the breakfast, which is presented nicely, on a wooden plank. There's bread with scrambled eggs and avocado, which I share with Billie Stormzy. There's also yoghurt with chia and ahorn syrup, a croissant, which I also share with Billie Stormzy, some orange juice and a small bowl with fresh fruits. It's good value for money at €13,75, considering that De Kwartel is located in the midst of the southern dunes and it's probably a bit of a challenge to keep the place supplied. 

My daughter, meanwhile, complains that the lemonade is too sweet. I must say the coffee isn't nice either. Once again I make a mental note to not order coffee at a beach club again, although I also know there are exceptions to that rule -  but they're hard to find and I'm a bit done with the trial and (mostly) error involved in discovering where the good coffee is at the Scheveningen beaches. 

As I am drinking my coffee and trying to enjoy it, Billie Stormzy says he wants to go outside. His sister jumps on that opportunity. She's been trying to convince him to go outside with her for a while now, but so far he was not interested. As they get ready to leave, he protests and says: "I don't want to go outside." Disappointed, his sister prepares to go alone, but then he changes his mind again and together, holding hands, they walk to the terrace to play in the sand. 

It's cozy inside De Kwartel. The interior is nothing flashy, but there is a nice atmosphere, with the wooden ceiling, the walls painted bright blue and the comfortable design furniture. There's a good mix of people: old, young, groups of friends as well as single people working on their laptop or making notes in what looks like diaries. Earlier, I told my daughter she can have a pie, and she and Billie Stormzy now return to claim it. She picks a piece of chocolate pie, that she has to share with Billie Stormzy. I cut it in half, but while he quickly finishes his, she takes her time because she also first wants to finish her drink. Seeing that there is still pie on the plate, Billie Stormzy keeps nagging for more, which she grudgingly gives to him.. We decide that next time, I will put the two halves on separate plates so that he won't think her part is also for him. 

When the pie is finished, it's time to go. Billie Stormzy helps me paying, and then we're on our way. This time, we have to cycle against the strong wind. 

Also on Breakfast at the Beach: Jump back in time to when I visited this place with Rihanna Gaga in 2017

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