dinsdag 28 juni 2016

La Galette

Not far from the La Marsa tram station is Café Restaurant La Galette. La Galette has several things going for it. First of all, there is the spacious garden in which it is set. After you pass the front gate, you first cross this garde, in which tables are set in the shade of trees and tents, before entering the large mansion that is the restaurant proper. The interior is decorate stylishly, with nice wooden furniture and political caricatures on the wall. The nicest thing about La Galette, though, is that it has a small antechambre with books, drawing materials and toys for children. This is a rarity in Tunisia and makes this a great place to visit with Rihanna Gaga.

The last time we were here, she played with two girls in this chamber and was quite disappointed when they had to leave - she kept asking 'where are the two girls?' for a long time. Meanwhile, I felt quite sick. I was already really tired when we arrived, with the onsets of a quite severe migraine bothering me. I ordered a 'galette' with salmon and egg, which is a pancake made with buckweath, which gives it a slightly sour taste. Together with the fact that in Tunisia, eggs are normally served almost raw and me feeling already a bit ill, that didn't go down very well. And then I got a phonecall, inviting me for a job interview at a university in London in a little bit more than a week from then - the reason they called me was that I hadn't answered the invitation they'd sent me, because, as it turned out, they'd sent it to the wrong address. After confirming that I would fly to London, I made my way back home with Rihanna Gaga and crashed on the bed, where I fell into a deep, comalike sleep while Rihanna Gaga played on the bed. When I woke up, she was sleeping as well. After a period where she didn't have an afternoon nap anymore - because we felt it made her sleep less well at night - we returned to having her sleep in the afternoon, because she clearly started to need it again. One reason might have been that recently, she's grown a lot. She is so much taller than half a year ago.

Anyway, we're back here now and I have just returned from London. The job interview didn't go too well and once again I don't feel too good. My girlfriend is here too and I have missed both of them a lot. In fact, this two day trip to London made me realise how happy I am that I am no longer flying up and down between Tunisia and Europe on a regular basis anymore, like I was last year. I order a galette again, only to discover that my dislike for it was not just because I wasn't feeling too well last time. I just really don't like it. My girlfriend has ordered a salad. Last time we were here together, the salads were huge, but the size of this one slightly disappoints.

Rihanna Gaga is happy, though. She was extremely glad to see me again when I picked her up from daycare. The last time she saw me was two days ago in the morning, when I dropped her off before going to the airport, and my girlfriend tells me she's missed me a lot. Now, she plays with the assorted toys and tries to get a boy of about her age who sits a few tables away from us to play with her. Unfortunately, she's not very successful, so she has the toys all to herself. There's a lot of kitchen toys and she makes food for us: hamburgers, eggs - although she descibes it all as 'cheese'. 'Cheese' is her favourite toy food and one of the games she plays most often is taking tissues and soaking the in the water that she puts in the toy kitchen that her grandmother gave her. She calls the messy result 'cheese' and hands it out to everyone in the house, who must then pretend to eat it. Some days, blots of soaked tissue paper can be found all through the house.

We get up to go home, which, frankly, I can't wait to reach. Time to read Rihanna Gaga her bedtime stories - I sometimes joke that the only reason I have a kid is to read her stories, but I am very, very happy that she loves that activity as much as I hoped she would. Then, like every evening, I'll brush her teeth and her mother will come for a goodnight kiss, after which we'll turn off the lights and I will lie in the dark, listening to her breathing becoming more and more regular until she falls asleep. Then, I will quietly rise from the bed, tiptoe to the door and leave her to her dreams.

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