zaterdag 22 november 2014

Dutch Kitchen

Last Monday, there wasn't a Monday brunch, because I was too busy. Rihanna Gaga and I were back in the Netherlands for a week and I was working on a research for which I had to conduct quite a few interviews throughout the country. So I was travelling most of the time, only arriving when Rihanna Gaga was already in bed. We were staying with my mother in Zwolle - Rihanna Gaga's grandmother - who took great care of her, but it was still quite a taxing time for all of us. That said, I thought it was a rather successful week. Having to squeeze so many activities into such a small time - apart from the interviews I also had to present a paper at a symposium and had planned several networking activities - made me plan my week in a super efficient way, even finding some extra time to also spend the weekend at my father's place in Maastricht.

Travelling alone with Rihanna Gaga is nice but tiring. She often doesn't want to be carried anymore and insists on walking by herself, but will then continue to take interest in every small detail on her way, stopping to point at vents, posters with Miffy on them, people, buttons, and basically everything else that strikes her attention. 

Luckily, we've arrived at the airport early: our flight departs at 11:10 and we're done checking in our liuggage at 9:30. So we can take our time to walk around and between Gate E and D we stop for breakfast. Here, Dutch Kitchen is located, a food court offering all kinds of dishes and drinks. I opt for a salmon sandwich and fresh mint tea, while I buy Rihanna Gaga a mixed fruit juice.

Despite her strolling around Schiphol's corridors and boulevards earlier today, Rihanna Gaga stays very close to me. She doesn't want to let go or be put on the ground, but clings to me.  Recently, she's become very timid: she prefers strangers to keep their distance and will cling to me, grap my pants or hide behind my legs. Apparently, this is normal for a child her age and together with this timidness, a new eagerness to cuddle and kiss me and her mum has come, which I think is really nice. She really shows her affection to us nowadays.

Dutch Kitchen is an island in the middle of a square where several of Schiphol's piers come together and consists of tables around a central food court. In one corner, you can sit in gigantic Delftware teacups, but unfortunately these are all take, so we sit down in front of a huge Delftware teapot. Inside the teacup, which is meant as a plaything for kids, there's a small table and chairs and a television screen on which cartoons are playing. Unfortunately, despite Dutch Kitchen's theme of 'Dutchness' (beside the Delftware, the decoration includes cheese, windmills and tulips), these are Disney cartoons, rather than Dutch cartoons. A pity, really, because the Dutch cartoon industry has produced several gems that deserve some hightlighting.

Rihanna Gaga enjoys the cartoons nonetheless, but after a while three Americans sit down in the teapot. One of them protests that it is meant for children, but the photo opportunities and the feeling of sitting in a Delftware  are, apparently, not to be missed. Meanwhile, Rihanna Gaga enjoys her fruit juice and takes bits of my bread, the salad that came with it and the salmon - which really is one of the best salmon I've ever eaten: fresh and with a rich taste that is new to me.

After a while, she gets on the floor and starts walking around, much to the amusement of the Americans. "She couldn't be cuter," one of them exclaims and another takes a picture of her. I'm very tired: the week took its toll and I'm looking forward to being back in Sidi Bou Said so I can rest a bit. And Rihanna Gaga is tired as well, her cheeks are red and she frequently rubs her eyes. We leave early so we can take our time walking to the gate. After we finally sit down in the airplane, we're both fast asleep by the time of takeoff.

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