donderdag 2 oktober 2014

Patagonia Beach

It's Thursday and we're having an extra breakfast at the beach today because of two reasons - or really one: we're moving to Tunesia this month. Because of this, Rihanna Gaga stopped going to her daycare centre on 1 October. And today is the last day my girlfriend is in the Netherlands: she will travel ahead of us to find an appartment in Tunis. So we're having breakfast at the beach together with her before she leaves.

We take the bicycle and make our way to the Northern beaches. It's a grey morning. It rained last night and the streets and beaches are still wet. Everywhere, there is a sense that this year's season is drawing to a close, with the sunbathers on the beaches having been replaced by dogs and their owners.

We've decided to go to the first beach club at the Northern beach that's open - and this happens to be the first beach club of this stretch: Patagonia Beach, conveniently located right in front of the luxurious Carlton Hotel. Patagonia is a pleasant affair: a comfortable, lounge-like terrace outside and a very cozy living room atmosphere inside. We're the only guests apart from a young woman drawing in a sketchbook.

We go inside, although the temperature isn't very cold yet. At the end of the L-shaped beach club we find a nice spot in a corner overlooking the beach and the sea. Patagonia is very child friendly. Around the low table there are several children seats, on which we can put Rihanna Gaga. The beach club also has a collection of children's books and some toys, with which she can keep herself occupied.

They're playing the Police - or rather, a Sting concert including a large amount of Police songs - which is an interesting change from the normal music you'll find in beach clubs - lounge music or easy listening pop songs. Rihanna Gaga is going through a bit of a difficult period. She'll get very impatient whenever she can't get what she wants and will make this clear through shouting and loud crying. She wants to play with the cutlery and when we take it away from her, she protests loudly and with an abundance of drama. She's very easily frustrated these days and cannot really deal with this frustration in any other way than through anger or sadness. However, apart from these moments of toddler adolescence, she remains her pleasant, cheerful self, all smiles and action. She really is a rather happy child, explorative and curious.

Patagonia has a breakfast menu, but no set breakfast, so I order a cheese omelet with fresh spices. At €8,75, this is a bit expensive for one thick slice of bread and some pieces of sald with the omelet, especially considering that for the same price you pay for this omelet together with a tea, other places around here will serve an entire breakfast, sometimes even including drinks. It has to be said, however, that the omelet is unusually tasty: its ingredients are clearly of outstanding quality. 

Rihanna Gaga roams around the beach club, occasionally returning for a bite of salad, tomato or bread. She's changed her grumpiness for cheerful deviousness and easily charms the friendly waitress with her beaming smiles. When we leave the beach club, she refuses to be carried and even to be taken by the hand. She wants to walk and she wants to do so on her own. 

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