maandag 21 april 2014

De Fuut

Today is a special day. Rihanna Gaga and me are not alone this morning: it's easter and her mother and my girlfriend (which, fortunately, is one and the same person) has the day off. Today, the three of us will have breakfast together.

We decide to celebrate the special occasion by going to a special location. While the main boulevard of Scheveningen is about ten minutes walking from where we live, there are other beaches that are more remote. One of these is the southern beach, where several beach clubs are located. It's about an hour walking through a beautiful dune area and today we're going there. Although my girlfriend and me enjoy the walk, Rihanna Gaga is not impressed by the dunes, that look lovely with the early spring flowers in full bloom. She doesn't like nature, as I already discovered on other long walks I took with her. Trees, flowers and sand dunes bore her terribly and after a while she'll either start complaining or fall asleep. What she does like, is urban areas, with lots of noise and people.

The plan was to visit De Staat, but when we arrive there, we're told they're not serving breakfast today because of the easter brunch they're preparing. Not sure whether Rihanna can wait until we reach the next beach club - unlike at the boulevard area, there are large stretches of beach in between the beach clubs here - I give her a fruit mix while my girlfriend and me sip a coffee and tea. Then we walk to the south, where we find Strandpaviljoen de Fuut.

De Fuut is quite different from the beach clubs we've been visiting so far. It has a decidedly no frills look instead of the fancy design we have become used to. The wooden building, painted in red, yellow and blue has a vague Scandinavian air to it, there's just a small strip of terrace outside and inside the only decoration consists of a few Buddha stuatues. It is, however, clear that the patrons of De Fuut don't come here for the trendy design. The southern beach itself is remote and this beach club is remote within the remoteness. Quite a walk away from the nearest road, I guess people come here to get away from the crowd. People with dogs who like long walks, from the looks of our fellow patrons today. With its very relaxed atmosphere and laid back personel, De Fuut clearly appeal to these kind of people. Interestingly, it is also a jazz club, with concerts on Sunday. I make a mental note to visit a concert here, as it must be quite a special place to enjoy live music.

Because the terrace and beach are not seperated, as in other beach clubs, Rihanna Gaga can sit in the sand, which she isn't used to. She enjoys sitting and looking around for shells, but when I encourage her to crawl she starts crying. Clearly she likes the beach more as a spectacle than as something to move around in.

De breakfast, although nothing special, is huge with croissants, bread rolls, an egg, cheese and sweets for just €8,50. Not a bad deal, considering all of the ingredients must be brought from quite far away. It takes a while to arrive, but I hardly notice this while I enjoy the tranquility of the place. Because the beach clubs are located so far away from each other here, the view is much more panoramic than at the beach clubs closer to the main boulevard.

The remoteness has its drawbacks too, however. When we want to pay, it turns out that it is impossible to pay with card. The manager kindly offers that we can pay by doing the dishes, but then explains that they need a kind of cable to enable electronic payments and that this cable keeps getting stolen. But to accomodate patrons who did not expect this, it is possible to pay the bill through the bank once we get home.

Facing the long walk home through nature, Rihanna Gaga protests when we put her in the stroller and when her complaints are unsuccesful, she opts to sleep her way through the beautiful landscape.

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